Run/Stop Checks

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February 11, 2021

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February 11, 2021

The administrator can schedule and start/stop checks in /n/rem/admin, tab Run/Stop Checks. Scheduling intervals are in minutes, and Start Time defines the first execution of the check.
Note there are 3 ways to execute checks:

– Run checks once: checks will be executed immediately and only once
– Schedule checks individually: Start Time and Run Interval is used to schedule checks
– Schedule checks collectively: only Start Time SCHED_TIME and Run Interval SCHED_INTERVAL will be used. Checks will be executed as defined here when their Time Interval is not 0 or empty.

When using run checks once or scheduling checks collectively, a maximal number of background work processes will be used as defined by parameter WORK_PROCESSES.

Running a check several times will not overwrite existing checks and not create duplicate alerts.

You can run checks with several configurations sequentially defining the sequence in /REM/ADMIN on the Multi-Config Execution tab:
When you have saved multiple variants of the configuration, go to the Multi-Config Execution tab and select which configurations should be used (Active column).
Run the checks several times then with a different configuration using the mode/icon to Schedule Checks Collectively.